// Copyright (c) 2008 The Regents of the University of California
// This file is part of Qbox
// Qbox is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// See the file COPYING in the root directory of this distribution
// or .
// UnitCell.h
#ifndef UNITCELL_H
#define UNITCELL_H
#include "D3vector.h"
class UnitCell
D3vector a_[3];
D3vector b_[3];
double volume_;
D3vector an_[13];
D3vector bn_[13];
double an2h_[13];
double bn2h_[13];
double a_norm_[3], alpha_, beta_, gamma_;
// 3x3 matrix forms
double amat_[9];
double bmat_[9];
// 3x3 matrix form of inverse
double amat_inv_[9];
// 3x3 matrix form of inverse transpose
double amat_inv_t_[9];
const D3vector& a(int i) const { return a_[i]; }
const D3vector& b(int i) const { return b_[i]; }
UnitCell(void) { set(D3vector(0,0,0),D3vector(0,0,0),D3vector(0,0,0)); }
explicit UnitCell(const D3vector& a0, const D3vector& a1, const D3vector& a2)
{ set(a0,a1,a2); }
void set(const D3vector& a0, const D3vector& a1, const D3vector& a2);
double volume(void) const { return volume_; }
double a_norm(int i) const { return a_norm_[i]; }
double alpha(void) const { return alpha_; }
double beta(void) const { return beta_; }
double gamma(void) const { return gamma_; }
const double* amat(void) const { return &amat_[0]; }
const double* bmat(void) const { return &bmat_[0]; }
const double* amat_inv(void) const { return &amat_inv_[0]; }
double amat(int ij) const { return amat_[ij]; }
double bmat(int ij) const { return bmat_[ij]; }
double amat_inv(int ij) const { return amat_inv_[ij]; }
// 3x3 matrix vector multiply Z = X Y where X is a 3x3 matrix, Y,Z 3-vectors
void vecmult3x3(const double* x, const double* y, double *z) const;
// 3x3 sym matrix vector multiply Z = X Y where X is a sym 3x3 matrix,
// Y,Z 3-vectors
void vecsmult3x3(const double* x, const double* y, double *z) const;
// 3x3 matrix matrix multiply Z = X Y where X, Y are 3x3 matrices
void matmult3x3(const double* x, const double* y, double *z) const;
// Z = X Y where X is a symmetric 3x3 matrix and Y a general 3x3 matrix
// uses only the first 6 elements of array xs
// where xs[0] = x00, xs[1] = x11, xs[2] = x22,
// xs[3] = x10, xs[4] = x21, xs[5] = x20
void smatmult3x3(const double* xs, const double* y, double *z) const;
bool in_ws(const D3vector& v) const;
void fold_in_ws(D3vector& v) const;
bool in_bz(const D3vector& k) const;
void fold_in_bz(D3vector& k) const;
bool encloses(const UnitCell& c) const;
bool contains(D3vector v) const;
void print(std::ostream& os) const;
bool operator==(const UnitCell& c) const;
bool operator!=(const UnitCell& c) const;
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const UnitCell& cell );